Free Standard Shipping across Australia - Delivery up to 10 business days for all orders (express shipping is unavailable at this time).
If you live in an apartment building with secure or gated access, please consider delivering your parcel to a street address to avoid further delays with redirection.
A tracking link will be emailed once the order is ready to be shipped from our warehouse. If the tracking details have not been received via email, ensure to check your spam folder.
Party Empress recommends ordering well in advance of your event date as the delivery lead times are quoted by the Carrier and not guaranteed by Party Empress.
Our delivery times are estimates and can vary when there is freight congestion across the logistics network or weather conditions with Carriers which are out of our control.
Each order is carefully assessed by us before being shipped, however, in the event item/s are damaged during transit or is faulty by manufacturer error, please contact us immediately via email within 7 business days of receiving the damaged/faulty items.
Every return is subject to approval by Party Empress and we may request for clear/detailed photos to assess the damaged / faulty item. Once the return has been approved, Party Empress will organize and bear the full costs for shipping the return to us as well as provide a refund for the value of the damaged/faulty items only. The refund will only be returned to the original method of payment.
The Buyer can choose a refund or exchange if an item has a major problem. This is when the item:
- has a problem that would have stopped someone from buying the item if they had known about it
- is unsafe
- is significantly different from the sample or description
- doesn’t do what we said it would, or what you asked for and can’t be easily fixed.
Alternatively, you can choose to keep the item and we will compensate you for any drop in value. Please keep your proof of purchase e.g., your order confirmation.
Please choose items carefully as refunds are not provided where you have simply changed your mind or made the incorrect selection. We strongly recommend checking all of your items in your order prior to purchase. Under the Australian Consumer Law, we are not required to provide a refund or replacement if you change your mind.
On the rare occasion you do not receive your goods these circumstances will not automatically be eligible for a cancellation or refund. Please contact us immediately via email so we can conduct further investigation with our Carrier.
The Carrier will endeavor to deliver your order, however in the event your order is returned to us due to an incorrect address or delayed redirection, Party Empress is not obligated to re-send the order as this will be at the Buyer’s expense.